Brands / Pedigree


Dogs for Dogs

Agency: CLM BBDO (France)

Brand: Pedigree

A Dog Brings it Back

Agency: AlmapBBDO (Brazil)

Brand: Pedigree

No One Quite Like A Dog

Agency: BBDO (United States)

Brand: Pedigree

Dogs On Zoom

Agency: BBDO (United States)

Brand: Pedigree


Agency: BBDO (United States)

Brand: Pedigree

Rescue Doodles

Agency: BBDO (United States)

Brand: Pedigree

Dog Channel

Agency: AlmapBBDO (Brazil)

Brand: Pedigree

Feed The Good

Agency: AlmapBBDO (Brazil)

Brand: Pedigree

14 Years

Agency: AlmapBBDO (Brazil)

Brand: Pedigree

pUp Syndrome

Agency: BBDO (Russia)

Brand: Pedigree


Agency: Colenso BBDO (New Zealand)

Brand: Pedigree

Who Saves Who

Agency: BBDO (Mexico)

Brand: Pedigree

Get Adopted

Agency: BBDO (Germany)

Brand: Pedigree

Bottle, Ledge, Stick

Agency: AlmapBBDO (Brazil)

Brand: Pedigree

We Have To talk

Agency: BBDO (Mexico)

Brand: Pedigree

Annie The Musical

Agency: Starcom (United States)

Brand: Pedigree

Tail Orchestra

Agency: BBDO (United States)

Brand: Pedigree


Agency: Colenso BBDO (New Zealand)

Brand: Pedigree