Unblock Coffee


我ID. – The Chinese Makeover

Creative Team

Bill Yom Executive Creative Director
Bo Yi Associate Creative Director
Pierre-Louis Marchal Art Director
Binman Wang Copywriter
Christophe Willocx Copywriter

Awards (02)

2 awards
New York Festivals 2022 Design / Bronze New York Festivals 2022 Design / Shortlist

More campaigns from Volkswagen


Road Tales

Agency: Isobar (Netherlands)

Brand: Volkswagen

Polo Unfail

Agency: DDB (Australia)

Brand: Volkswagen

The Others

Agency: DDB (France)

Brand: Volkswagen

Spatial Awareness

Agency: AlmapBBDO (Brazil)

Brand: Volkswagen

Total Mess

Agency: DDB (Argentina)

Brand: Volkswagen

Ups And Downs

Agency: Geometry (Argentina)

Brand: Volkswagen

Blood Alcohol Content

Agency: DDB (Argentina)

Brand: Volkswagen

Salvando Amistades

Agency: DDB (Argentina)

Brand: Volkswagen

With our AI powered search

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Unblock Coffee corrects all significant errors that are brought to our barista’s editor’s attention.  Please provide enough information for us to find and address the error.

我ID. – The Chinese Makeover

Contact Info