Unblock Coffee

City of Chicago

Chicago Design System: A City By Design

Creative Team

Joe Sciarrotta Chief Creative Officer
Dave Loew Executive Creative Director
Geoff Berg Creative Director
Steve Hahn Creative Director
Connor Fleming Creative Director
Kyle Obriot Creative Director
Olen Amelia Associate Creative Director
Krista Catalfmo Copywriter
Gabe Usadel Design Director and Executive Creative Director
Sho Watanabe Designer
Charlotte Petertil Designer
Mika Deshmukh Planner

Awards (01)

1 award
CNNS 2021 Design / Bronze

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Boards of Change

Agency: FCB Chicago (United States)

Brand: City of Chicago

Stay Home, Save Lives

Agency: Havas (United States)

Brand: City of Chicago

Chicago Not In Chicago

Agency: Energy BBDO (United States)

Brand: City of Chicago

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Unblock Coffee corrects all significant errors that are brought to our barista’s editor’s attention.  Please provide enough information for us to find and address the error.

Chicago Design System: A City By Design

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