Sócios do Clube de Criação
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All the biggest awards from the season

Full access to our creative library

Credited and cross referenced ads

Ads curated by our team of specialists

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For more information, please contact us: [email protected]

Premium Features
Unlimited content views

Get full access to our creative library.

High Quality Downloads

Only Premium Members can download the videos in HD.


Create and share as many playlists as you want. Be your own curator.

Credited and cross referenced ads

We credit creatives, brands, agencies, and production companies.

We're a group of ad nerds helping the creative community to stay creative.

We are ad nerds. We never skip the ad (unless it sucks). We love good advertising and we love ideas. We love to talk about advertising. We’ve watched Mad Men twice (if you only count this year). And we know we’re not alone. That’s why we created Unblock Coffee. To provide access for creatives worldwide to the best ideas, so they can get inspired and create great new ideas.

We’re a creative library that born from a desire to have a better place to get inspired.

We wanted a place where we could find the best advertising ideas, and get all the info behind them. That’s why we take this so seriously. We are creating the library we’d like to use as creatives.

Also, by using Unblock Coffee, you’re supporting a small and independent business. And that means a lot to us. Thank you! <3

Yes and no. As a non-registered guest you can watch only a few ads per day, and if you register for a Free plan, you can watch up to 8 campaigns per week.


But if you decide to take a step further and buy yourself a membership, you’ll have unlimited access to our entire creative library (and our unconditional love).

With our paid memberships you have FULL ACCESS TO OUR CREATIVE LIBRARY.
You’ll also have access to all features, including Playlists, High Quality Downloads and Full Credits list. And there is much more to come.
Very easy: just like Netflix. You sign up and we will charge your credit card  monthly or annually, on the date you signed up. You can change your plan or cancel our subscription online at any time. No strings attached.
We’re glad you asked. Right now we cover 9 from the biggest advertising awards in the world, including: THE ONE SHOW, CLIO AWARDS, D&AD, ADC, LONDON INTERNATIONAL AWARDS, THE ANDYS, BRAZILIAN CREATIVE CLUB and WAVE FESTIVAL. 
We know what you’re thinking. “So you don’t have THAT award from the French Riviera?“. Well, that’s tricky. As you noted, they are not listed here because we’re an independent company with no association with them, and for copyrights reasons we are not allowed to say their name. But rest assured: we track all the major advertising awards.